How do they match: Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers

  • Fashion Patternmaker
  • Designer
  • Cartoon Designer
  • Computer Aided Design Operator
  • Pattern Designer
  • Print and Pattern Designer
  • Shoe Designer and Patternmaker
  • Technical Designer

  • Create design specifications to provide instructions on garment sewing and assembly.
  • Create a paper pattern from which to mass-produce a design concept.
  • Discuss design specifications with designers, and convert their original models of garments into patterns of separate parts that can be laid out on a length of fabric.
  • Examine sketches, sample articles, and design specifications to determine quantities, shapes, and sizes of pattern parts, and to determine the amount of material or fabric required to make a product.
  • Input specifications into computers to assist with pattern design and pattern cutting.

  • Design templates or patterns.
  • Confer with customers or designers to determine order specifications.